I am a daydreamer.

I dream little, but the dreams are big.

I don’t stop, I flow deep on the border of light and dark.

Sometimes, even I am not sure which side I reside on.

Am I wide awake, and thinking of dreams,

Or am I deeply asleep and dreaming of things?

I am not clear of that, nor the future.


I often wonder,

What am I to be?

Confusion clouds my sight, just like mist and fog clouds the future.

I am uncertain.

Uncertain of what lies in wait for me.

I am afraid.

Afraid of what I might face.

I am horrified.

Horrified that I might do something wrong and mess up the road before me.



I will be brave.

I will face the uncertainties head-on, with courage and a smile,

Because I believe, 

Believe that as long as I do not shy away from the challenges placed before me, I will overcome anything that seems intimidating.

I have faith in courage, and in myself.

I know I can do it if I try.

I look to the future, as dark and scary as it may be,

So that I can prepare myself for what lies ahead.

I am not afraid because I can always dream of a better ending and make it come true.

If I do not like the present, I can dream bigger and try harder.

I will not be daunted,

Because I am a daydreamer.